



++ Prozess gegen Zündel beginnt am 9. Februar ++
Der im November geplatzte Prozess gegen den mutmaßlichen
Holocaust-Leugner und Rechtsextremisten Ernst Zündel wird am 9. Februar vor dem Landgericht Mannheim neu aufgerollt. Bis zum 16. März sind sechs Verhandlungstermine angesetzt, teilte das Gericht mit.




Incitement trial in Germany

Zundel's long-expected trial in Germany began on November 8, 2005, but was almost immediately delayed after Judge Ulrich Meinerzhagen learned that the defense team included Horst Mahler, a disbarred right-wing German lawyer who had himself been convicted of inciting hatred against Jews in January 2005. Mahler had joined the defense team as the assistant of attorney Sylvia Stolz; Mahler and Stolz were both dismissed by Judge Meinerzhagen, who then adjourned the trial to give a new lawyer time to prepare a case in Zundel's defense.

German authorities had charged Zundel with inciting racial hatred and defaming the memory of the dead in March 2005. Zundel had been returned to Germany after running afoul of immigration laws in the U.S. and Canada. He has had a long career promoting Holocaust denial and neo-Nazi ideology.


Among Holocaust deniers, Irving is perhaps the only one who for some time managed to maintain the reputation of a serious, if controversial, historian. He is considered an icon by many in the Holocaust denial camp. Since the Lipstadt trial verdict, he has fought an increasingly isolated battle against mainstream historical accounts of the Holocaust, and has been barred from entering Germany, Austria, Canada, and Australia. In spite of the ban on his entry, he was arrested in Austria on November 11, 2005 on a 1989 warrant for offenses related to Holocaust denial. If convicted, he could face up to 20 years in prison.
