





送信者: "Yocheved Menashe" <menashe@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
件名 : H-ANTISEMITISM - GLUCHOWSKI: Jewish Voting in Interwar Poland
日時 : 2006年3月10日 3:03

Forwarded From: Leo Gluchowski <lwgluch@cogeco.ca>

Regarding the right of Jews to vote in
interwar Poland, and how in fact
they voted, see
Jeffrey S. Kopstein and Jason Wittenberg Jeffrey, "Who
Voted Communist? Reconsidering the Social Bases of Radicalism in Interwar
_Slavic Review_, Vol. 62, no. 1 (Spring 2003), pp. 87-109.

The abstract: "Research on the sources of support for the communists in
interwar Poland has emphasized the role of ethnic minorities, especially
the Jews.
To what degree did Poland's national minorities vote for the
Communist Party?
Using census data and electoral returns on interwar
Poland's 272 districts, as well as a new technique for inferring
individual level behavior from aggregate level data, Jeffrey Kopstein and
Jason Wittenberg generate reliable estimates of ethnic group voting
behavior for t
he Sejm [Parliament] elections of 1922 and 1928. The results
show that it is incorrect to speak of a unified minority vote. Communist
parties received disproportionate support from Belarusans. By 1928
Ukrainians voted overwhelming for ethno-national parties. The bulk of Jews
drifted into establishment politics, disproportionately supporting the
pro-government Bloc.
Contrary to the myth of the "Jewish communist," Jews
only a small fraction of the electoral support for the communist
. The evidence shows that not only were the overwhelming number of Jews not communist supporters but the vast majority of communist voters were not Jews."

Leo Gluchowski
Centre for Russian, European, and Eurasian Studies
University of Toronto

Yocheved Menashe
List Editor,