


EU lawmakers complain of US stonewalling on CIA flights, prisons 


Thu May 11, 8:17 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - European lawmakers probing the illegal detentions and transport of terror suspects in Europe by the

CIA complained of stonewalling by US officials.


They also regretted that only four members of the US Congress had agreed to meet with the 13-member delegation from the European Parliament.

"We regret that no more congressmen or members of this administration and of the former one we had asked to meet have accepted or been in a position to meet our delegation," Carlos Coelho, chairman of the group, told a news conference.

Giovanni Claudio Fava, an Italian member of the delegation, said senior State Department officials who met with the group Thursday would neither confirm nor deny the existence of secret CIA prisons for terror suspects in Europe.

The officials, he said, also remained mum on allegations that some 100 detainees were secretly flown by the CIA through Europe to countries like

Syria and Egypt where they could be tortured, a practice known as "extraordinary rendition".

Nonetheless, Fava said the delegation would head back to Europe on Friday on a positive note, as even a "no comment" can be construed as valuable information.