


Furor Over a French Immigration Crackdown - New York Times

PARIS, July 7 — France's immigration debate heated up Friday with opposition Socialists demanding to know how many undocumented immigrants the government plans to deport before the start of the new school year.

Under recently tightened immigration rules, the government has begun tracking down families lacking residency papers through children registered at French schools, vowing to expel them during the summer holidays.

"We want to know under what conditions and how many people will be expelled," said Christophe Caresche, a Socialist legislator for Paris.

The new policy has already led to a handful of deportations and threatened to split families according to who has papers and who does not. To assuage critics and the news media, the government said in mid-June that it would grant residency papers to a limited number of families on a case-by-case basis.

But that has brought a crush of anxious immigrants to government offices around the country hoping that they might be granted residence papers before the August deadline.

The Interior Ministry estimates that there are between 200,000 and 400,000 illegal immigrants in the country.

Immigration opponents worry that the government is backing itself into a huge regularization program in which it will be forced to give residency papers to tens of thousands of people. Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has dismissed such fears, saying that the number of illegal immigrants granted papers would be very small.

"There isn't a country in the world that believes that you have to give permanent papers because a child attends school," he was quoted by news agencies as telling reporters on Friday. "A massive and total regularization would lead to the sort of catastrophe we know today."

But that has led Mr. Sarkozy's political opponents to ask how many he plans to deport.

"It's the policy that has created this situation," Mr. Caresche said, insisting that some prefects have been given monthly deportation quotas.

The debate is playing out against the backdrop of next year's presidential elections, in which Mr. Sarkozy is a candidate. After the wave of vandalism and violence that swept the country last year, Mr. Sarkozy vowed to crack down on illegal immigration, charging that many of those taking part in the disorders had been in France illegally. He promised to increase deportations by 5,000 to 25,000 this year. That position played well with France's conservative electorate and even helped Mr. Sarkozy win supporters from the anti-immigration far right.

On June 30, he pushed through a new immigration law that gave the government more control over whom it allows into the country and increases its powers of expulsions. Most importantly, the law did away with a longstanding policy that granted residency papers to immigrants lacking them after 10 years in the country.

France has watched for months now as the drama unfolded, with newspapers giving prominent play to cases of schoolchildren threatened with expulsion even though they had lived most of their lives in France. Some opponents of the new law even began sponsoring children of immigrants without proper papers in an attempt to protect them from deportation.

Since French schools ended last week, illegal immigrants and their children have been lining up outside the government offices across the country hoping to save their families from deportation under tightened immigration laws.

Hopes were buoyed Thursday when the head of the Paris police said that "several thousand" families would be given residency permits. Mr. Sarkozy rejected that comment on Friday, telling reporters, "Those who talk about numbers today are talking about things they know nothing about." He said the number of people given papers would be decided "once all the dossiers have been studied."

But the Socialists see in the debate the seeds of another government crisis that could help them win the presidency next year. With tempers mounting along with summer temperatures, Mr. Sarkozy may be forced to back down on his deportation vows.

A Socialist spokesman, Julien Dray, predicted that Mr. Sarkozy would be forced "to oversee massive regularization," much to the dismay of the Interior Minister's political supporters.

"The sort of figures that officials are talking about are some 40,000 residency permits," Mr. Dray told Reuters.

Ariane Bernard contributed reporting for this article.

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【変化】《動》assuages | assuaging | assuaged




【@】クラッシュ、【変化】《動》crushes | crushing | crushed、【大学入試】



















【@】ディスミス、デスミス、【変化】《動》dismisses | dismissing | dismissed、【大学入試】










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【@】バウ、【変化】《動》vows | vowing | vowed、【大学入試】




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【@】テンパ、テンパー、【変化】《動》tempers | tempering | tempered、【大学入試】






【変化】《動》oversees | overseeing | oversaw overseen

【他動】〜を監視する、監督する、こっそり見る、たまたま目撃する◆【同】watch over



【変化】《動》dismays | dismaying | dismayed、【大学入試】




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